Monday, June 30, 2008

New browser for me. . . .

On our home PC we have been having trouble with our Firefox version 2.x browser. My family wanted me to go back to Internet explorer. I won't move back to IE for a number of reasons. Security and pop-ups being the biggest reasons.

I could upgrade to Firefox version 3 or search for an alternative. And search I did. I came across a great and cool browser called Flock. Flock titles itself as "the browser for people who like to be connected". I don't know about that but I do know it's fast. I downloaded the beta. version 2. It runs on Firefox 3. I figured I get the best of both browsers. From my point of view, I did.

My family seems to be pleased with Flock as well. Faster page loads, a cool clean look and easy navigation. Give Flock a look it may become your new browser.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

TransUnion settlement makes your Credit Score Free to you

TransUnion, one of the three major credit reporting agencies recently settled the class-action lawsuit that accused the company of improperly selling consumer information to marking companies.

How does that impact you?

You can now get free credit monitoring services and your credit score from TransUnion as part of the $75 million dollar settlement.

Click here for a summary of the settlement.

To receive benefits from this settlement, you must register by September 24, 2008. You may register for the following benefit options:

  1. Sign up for six months of credit monitoring services. If you select this option, you can also register to possibly receive cash benefits in the event of a cash distribution or file an individual lawsuit against the Defendants.
  2. Sign up for nine months of enhanced credit monitoring services. If you select this option, you will not receive any further benefits, including a cash payment, and you will not be able to file an individual lawsuit against the Defendants.
  3. Register to possibly receive a cash payment. If you select this option, you can also sign up for six months of credit monitoring; however if you receive a cash payment, you cannot file an individual lawsuit against the Defendants.

You may only register once. Individuals with multiple submissions will only be eligible for the benefit chosen in the first registration.

Click here to sign up. (I'm choosing #1)

Monday, June 23, 2008

In need of a Financial Pick-Me-UP?

From time to time, I need a good Financial Pick-Me-UP. I just have those moments, days, weeks, where it feels like I'm going backwards in with my financial game plan and goals. (Hey, that's life and I know God is in control.) It's all his anyway.

One of the ways I get out of this financial funk is to tune into the Dave Ramsey Radio Show. My favorite way to listen is via Dave's web site and his archived shows. This way, I can listen via my computer or download a show or two onto my mp3 player. I especially like listening to Friday's show as callers get to yell, I'm DEBT FREE. This gets me "juiced".

So, take a listen. You'll be financially "richer" for the time you listened. Maybe it will even keep you from paying what Dave referrers to as "Stupid Tax".

Friday, June 20, 2008

What's your Walk Score?

In my never ending quest to save a buck or two, I'm considering walking to the library today. (I've got a book waiting for pick-up and I want to read the current bicycling magazine.) In searching the internet to find the distance between my house and our library, I came across a cool web site called Walk Score.

What is Walk Score? You put in your home address, then Walk Score lists the services near your house in a bunch of different categories (movie theaters, schools, parks, libraries, grocery stores, restaurants and on and on). It also assigns a "score" which provides a numerical estimate of how good your location is in terns of resources available within reasonable walking distance.

My address didn't score so well. I got a 17 out of 100. Yea but I can jump on my bicycle and ride a 25 mile loop and only pass a dozen cars. (That's how many I counted on my ride today.)

Anyway, the library is 1.28 miles from my house. I'm up for the walk but I don't think my kids will be for it.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Thanks or Thanks for Nothing

The other day while I was reading through a financial magazine, I came across an advertisement from a mutual fund company that showed to "yellow sticky notes" The first note said "Thanks" and the second note said "Thanks for Nothing".

What will your financial future say to you if it could talk with you today? Will your future be thanking you or cursing you?

Want to be thanked? You can do so by saving for retirement. In my opinion, the best places to save for retirement are here and in this order.
  1. Your employers retirement plan up to the employer match. The employer match is FREE money. You'll never get a better return than that.
  2. A Roth IRA. Earnings are tax FREE.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

At the 1/2 way point

Goals are very important. I believe we should all have some.

I've got goals in the following areas of my life
  1. spiritual
  2. family
  3. financial
  4. personal
  5. work
Today I hit the half way mark on one of my personal goals. I set a bicycle mileage goal of 2,000+ miles a year. This weekend I went over the 1,000 mile mark. take a look at the last number 1009.8.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Do you remember your fist time?

You used your debit card that is.

The learning experience, with me as the teacher and my 15 year old son as the student completed another chapter today. After much grass mowing and a few deposits into his Chase checking account, Chaz road his bike through the ATM lane and made his first cash withdrawal.

Before he left the house, I walked him through what to expect and how the process would work. He said while at the ATM, everything worked just as I had explained to him with one exception.

He said a voice came from the speaker that said, "young man, what are you doing? come over here so I can talk to you." Chaz looked up and the teller working the drive through was motioning to him to come over to the window. I asked Chaz what did you do? He said, "I waived at her, finished my transaction, took the cash from the machine and road off."

I know Chaz was pleased with his first Debit Card transaction. I happy he's learning how to work for his money, that he's only got a finite amount to spend, and the banking system takes a little bit of time before a check turns into available cash.

I wonder what story the teller is taking about to the other bank employees?

Thursday, June 12, 2008

A great story on Debt to good not to share

The Wall Street Journal recently did a story on Debt. Titled "Hi, My Name is Fred, and I'm Addicted to Debt.

The article mentions two of my favorite things. Financial Peace University and Granger Community Church.

If you have a few minutes check out the Wall Street Journal article by clicking here.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Help me reach my goal. . .

August 7th thru 10th, I'll be riding my bicycle from Cleveland Ohio to Cincinnati Ohio to raise money for the American Cancer Society Hope Lodge. (300+ miles)
  • Day 1 Cleveland to Wooster (75 miles)
  • Day 2 Wooster to Columbus (90 miles)
  • Day 3 Columbus to Dayton (70 miles)
  • Day 4 Dayton to Cincinnati (75 miles)
The Hope Lodges are beautiful facilities provide free, supportive lodging to of cancer patients and caregivers who have to travel for treatment. They have helped more than 15,000 cancer patients and caregivers avoid millions in hotel bills and travel expenses.

On this post, I'm asking you to consider helping me reach my goal of $1,000. If you can help, please click on this link. Todd's Hope Lodge page.

Thanks so much.


Friday, June 06, 2008

Summertime savings. . .

Today the temperature is forcasted to reach 94 degrees. Ouch. So I'd say summertime is officially here even though the calendar doesn't say so yet.

One of the things I love most about this time of the year is all the fresh fruits and vegetables that are all over the place from roadside stands to the local grocery.

Did you know that depending on what month of the year it is, fruits and vegetables are cheaper in some months verses others? Hey, I'm always on the lookout to save money. has a great post by month on the best month to buy fruits and veggies. I've copied May's and June's list here and if you want to see every month here is a link to the post. (Click here.)


cherries, pineapples, apricots, okra, zucchini, rhubarb, artichokes, asparagus, spring peas, broccoli, lettuce


watermelon, strawberries, cantaloupe, cherries, blueberries, peaches, apricots, corn, lettuce

Enjoy Summer. I know I will.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Saved some $$ and am healthier for it

I've always wanted to try riding my bike to work. (I know I can do the distance as it's only 10.5 miles) The issue for me was putting all my work cloths in a backpack before I got on my bike.

Well today, I did it. I peddled my bike into work today. It was great. Even navigating two "big" hills it only took me 40 minutes. I showered and am ready to go.

Exercise in the a.m. really sets the tone for me. I forgot how great and energizing it is.

One other benefit of peddling to work. It's a creative way to save a few dollars by leaving my car in the garage and I'm healthier for it.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Start your day off right

How I start my day set's the tone for my entire day. I did a lot of reflecting this weekend and I realized the way I start my day is the most important thing I do all day.

So here's my list of morning rituals.
  1. Tell God good morning and thank him for waking me up.
  2. Take the dogs out (Ok, this one doesn't motivate me but it must be done.)
  3. Say out lout 10 things I'm thankful for. (It's hard to start off on the wrong foot when your thankful first thing in the morning.
  4. Touch my two kids while they are still sleeping.
  5. Say this daily prayer before I leave the house.
Father God, It is a privilege to be your child. It's a gift of grace I don't fully comprehend. I thank you for your wondrous love for me, and I ask that you would help me lead a life that honors you. He me live according to the truth that my identity is based on who I am IN Christ. May I seee myself and others through your eyes. May I understand more clearly how much you love me & let that love empower & guide me. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ through whom you graciously demonstrated your amazin love for me.

How do you start your day?