Monday, June 02, 2008

Start your day off right

How I start my day set's the tone for my entire day. I did a lot of reflecting this weekend and I realized the way I start my day is the most important thing I do all day.

So here's my list of morning rituals.
  1. Tell God good morning and thank him for waking me up.
  2. Take the dogs out (Ok, this one doesn't motivate me but it must be done.)
  3. Say out lout 10 things I'm thankful for. (It's hard to start off on the wrong foot when your thankful first thing in the morning.
  4. Touch my two kids while they are still sleeping.
  5. Say this daily prayer before I leave the house.
Father God, It is a privilege to be your child. It's a gift of grace I don't fully comprehend. I thank you for your wondrous love for me, and I ask that you would help me lead a life that honors you. He me live according to the truth that my identity is based on who I am IN Christ. May I seee myself and others through your eyes. May I understand more clearly how much you love me & let that love empower & guide me. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ through whom you graciously demonstrated your amazin love for me.

How do you start your day?

1 comment:

Tina said...

What a great way to begin the day.
Thanks for sharing that