Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Saved some $$ and am healthier for it

I've always wanted to try riding my bike to work. (I know I can do the distance as it's only 10.5 miles) The issue for me was putting all my work cloths in a backpack before I got on my bike.

Well today, I did it. I peddled my bike into work today. It was great. Even navigating two "big" hills it only took me 40 minutes. I showered and am ready to go.

Exercise in the a.m. really sets the tone for me. I forgot how great and energizing it is.

One other benefit of peddling to work. It's a creative way to save a few dollars by leaving my car in the garage and I'm healthier for it.


Mark said...

10.5 miles... hmmmmm... why didn't you just run it!?! HA! Just kidding! Way to go!

I love exercising in the morning. Exercise is my caffeine!

BikeDr4u@aol.com said...

Way to go Todd! I am going to try biking to work once a week through the summer.