Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Whats in a Password?

Passwords. It seems like these days we need one for everything. I get asked this question a lot. "What's a good password"?

Your password should be easy for you to remember but difficult for unauthorized parties to guess. here are a few suggestions.

  1. Create acronyms from the words to your favorite song. For example, Mary Had A Little Lamb becomes mhall. Even consider adding numbers characters to it. For example, 8mhall4 where 84 was the year I graduated from High School. (whoops did I just give away my age?)

  2. Deliberately misspell a word. (I do that when I'm not even trying.) Example, locomotive could be lokuhmotiv. ( Ok, that one is hard.)

  3. Consider combining a number of facts, such as dates and events such as 12Christmas25day.

  4. Mix cApiTaL letters into your password.

  5. Use punctuation characters and/or numbers.

Anyway, theres are some of my thoughts. I know there are lots more you could chose from. Have fun with it and please change your password to something different than "password".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its also not a good idea to keep your password written on a postit note on your monitor!