Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Exciting and Scary at the same time. . .

When I was bike riding down in N.C. with Kevin and Rod at Scott's house, I was doing some snooping through Scott's books. I was looking for a particular book that Scott had been talking to me about and agreed to let me borrow. I just finished it tonight. (Thanks Scott. I'll return it to you this weekend when your home.)

The book . . Epicenter by Joel Rosenberg. It was exciting and scary at the same time.

I can't begin do the book justice by trying to summarize it here as I like to keep my blogs short and to the point. What I can say if you have ever sensed in your being that we are living in the end times, read this book. Joel disects Ezekile chapters 37 - 38 and he believes Ezekile prophecy is being fulfilled now.

The book is a great read and after you read it, you'll have to make up you own mind or not. Either way, I know I've got eternal life in Heaven waiting for me.

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