Saturday, September 09, 2006

What is most important to you?

I woke up this morning thinking about the same thing as when I went to bed last night. Life moving in fast forward. In my quiet time, God asked me what am I willing to say no to in order to slow down a little bit? At that moment, I didn't have an answer.

In doing some reading in success magazine, I was reading a profile on Chris Gardner. At 27, he was homeless and living on the subways of Chicago. He's now 52 and president of his own company. He said something in his article that stuck with me. "Money is the least significant aspect of success. It's more important to look in the mirror and go Yeah. A lot of folks with a whole lot of money can't do that." His quote brought me right back to God's word. Your treasure is where your heart is. I say all this to say, God's asking me to say no to a few things and to check where my heart is.

When I slowed down and thought about what God challenged me with this morning, he brought me back to it's all about relationships. That's what's most important. My relationship with him and with people.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Great post, Todd!

Anonymous said...

Right said!!