Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Great Rates for your savings dollars. 3.75% and up

I'm a big fan on online savings accounts. The interest rates far exceed what most local banks offer. Of late, even my two online banks rates are very low. Amtrustdirect is currently paying 2.5% and Emigrantdirect is paying 2.75%.

I'm pleased to let you know that the Free Methodist Foundation is paying 3.75% on their Flexible Certificate. Basically a flexible certificate is a savings account. You can get you money back in your hands within hours if you need it back that quick. The Foundations 1 year certificate is paying 4.25%. These are great rates in today environment.

One of the questions I get asked when I give the foundation props for their interest rate is, "Is it safe?". Yes. The foundation has been doing this for over 50 years and they have never defaulted on investment dollars.

So, put your money to work with the best interest rate available. Here's the foundations phone number if you've got questions for them. 800.325.8975

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