Monday, August 13, 2007

In the lead. . .

As you may recall, our staff here at NewPointe are participating in a wellness program. We are currently tracking our walking with pedometers. Today at all staff, we received certificates for the miles we have walked through the first three weeks.

I'm very proud to say that I'm in the lead. I've walked 238 miles so far. Way cool.

How about you? What do you do to keep your body in shape? I truly believe that there is a spiritual side of exercise and eating right. So get yourself an accountability partner for fitness. It can lead to all sorts of good stuff. For example, yesterday during my 35 mile bike ride, a new rider asked me, "So, what's your testimony?" I spent the next 5 miles talking with him about my relationship with Jesus Christ. Way cool.

As we finished the ride, I told him on our next ride, I wanted to hear his story. (That will be Tuesday.)

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