Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Do you have a Cash Flow Plan?

Well? What's your plan? One of the most valuable things I've learned in leading Financial Peace University is this: If you don't tell your money where to go, it will leave all by itself. Hang with me and I'll explain.

Before I had a paycheck by paycheck cash flow plan when I had money in my checkbook a day or two before I got paid, that money left. I found something to spend it on. I said, "Hey, I get paid tomorrow so what can I buy? This money's not doing any good just sitting in my checkbook." Have you been there?

Now with my cash flow plan, every dollar is "spent" on paper before I actually get paid. I even have a "blow" category in my cash flow plan. We all blow money and that's ok. Just plan for it.

So why do a cash flow plan before each paycheck?
  1. You avoid managing finances by crisis.
  2. Managed money goes farther. ( I don't know why but it does.)
  3. It reduces money fights in your relationships.
Three great reasons to me. Try it. If it doesn't work, you can always go back to the way your doing it now.

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