Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Financial things that drive me nuts

Do you have financial "things" that get under your skin and drive you nuts? If not nuts, at least makes you ask why. I've got a list and thought I'd share it.

  1. People who pay for memberships, don't use it and then complain that they are see limited or no results.
  2. Buying something you don't need or fully understand because it's the latest and greatest thing out there and you just have to have it.
  3. Ring tones for your cell phone. Why spend $$ for this?
  4. Buying bottled water. What's with that?
  5. My favorite office supply. . . . "Air in a can". I've heard of Prince Albert in a can but that's a whole different story.
What would be on your list?

1 comment:

Bob's Occasional Musings said...

Buying something because its on sale and then telling everyone how you saved money. Not buying it would have saved even more.