Thursday, April 09, 2009

Financial Planning for the rest of us

Financial planning has always been important. In today's economy, it's more important than ever.

Now I know what you are already thinking. Your thinking 1 of three things.

  1. Todd, I agree with you but a financial planner is so expensive.
  2. Todd, I've tried those financial planners and all they want to do is sell me the products they represent.
  3. Todd, I've got a some savings and retirement but what can a financial planner really do for me? Don't you have to have lots of money before I need something like this?
I'm happy to say, I've finally come across a financial planning solution that's worth checking out. It's called eFinPLAN. I've logged in, answered a list of detailed questions and was amazed by the 60+ financial plan that I received.

eFinPLAN the Only Web-Based Consumer Oriented Financial Planning Software makes financial planning easy, affordable, and understandable.

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