Wednesday, February 25, 2009

81, a number that's hard to believe

I'm so excited and humbled at the same time. At last night's Financial Peace class, we kept on cutting up credit cards. This is the third class in a row that multiple people have
cut up multiple cards. 15 cards from one person alone.

So, where does the number 81 come into play? That's the total number of credit cards cut up by this class of 60 people. Incredible.

So much life change has taken place in this FPU class, I could type out page after page in sharing their stories. The very short story is this group of people are getting it and making significant changes in their financial lives. In doing so, my hope is that they become open to what God wants for their lives.

See, once you put your financial problems behind you, your now free to experience the life God has in store for you and that makes life worth living.


Christy said...

So is that 81 PAID OFF cards or 81 cut up so they can't be used?

Sorry, have never taken FP classes. :)

Todd C said...


Great question. Thanks for asking it. It's 81 cut up cards that will never be used again.

You never want to close the credit card account until your balance is zero on that card.

Christy said...

Gotcha. Thanks for the clarification. :)

I am going to post a question for you and I wonder of you or your readers have any ideas for me.

I'm a meticulous budgeter and have perused every budgeting software site there is. But I can't find anything that suits my needs. Here's why.

I don't need software or a spreadsheet that will tell me where my money is going currently, I can look at my own spreadsheets and bank info for that. But I am looking for a FLUID, changeable sheet that I can use to project my budget in the future.

For example. My income fluctuates, so I budget low. But 3 weeks before payday, it will become clear that I'm making more than I first thought. Or my husband might work some overtime. I want to be able to change it on the fly without bungling all my other numbers- like a running total so to speak.

Any suggestions?

Todd C said...


Send me an email and I'd be happy to address your last comment as best I can. I'll even share my budgeting spreadsheet with you.
