Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Keeping up with what's going on

Internally here at NewPointe, our Executive Director Mike Conn gave the staff a new reporting tool. We call it our 5-15 report. (15 minutes to prepare, 5 minutes to read.) Maybe we should call it the 15-5 report.

Anyway, this report is do each Monday. I turn my report into Mike. He's my boss. My direct reports turn their 5-15 into me. This report keeps us as a staff moving forward and focused.

Here's whats on the report:

  1. The "Win" for my environment is:
  2. My primary goal this week is:
  3. I need help from you on the following items:
  4. My biggest challenge righ now is:
  5. Upcoming changes to my normal schedule:
  6. My top projects (with start date, percent complete, and due date)
  7. Things that happened last week you should know:
  8. People I met with last week and the purpose:
  9. Groups I led last week with time and place.
What do you think? Should something be added or taken off this report? Would this tool be useful to you? It sure brings some accountability.


Jason said...

how redundant do these reports become (both to fill out and to read)?

does this lead to a face to face meeting between supervisors and direct reports?

Todd C said...


Since we've started using this tool, it's been all positive. It's bringing some great accountability in lots of different areas of responsibility.

The form is on the computer and it's now being emailed so keeping and referring back to electronic copies to measure progress is very easy.

It's also a great tool to make sure your working on the things/areas that matter most.

I have weekly one-on-one 1/2hr meetings with my boss and all of my direct reports. The 5/15 report is a great starting point for our weekly one-on-ones.

Thanks for your comment and question.


Jason said...

That's very cool that it's been a positive experience. In my experience, it seems hard to bring clarity to a persons role in fulfilling the overall vision of a ministry. Any tool that helps define that role and keeps someone focused sounds good to me. Thanks!

Chuck Hubbert said...

Hey Todd,

I appreciate your blog.

I have been thinking about the 5/15 report, which I like. Do you do it with volunteers?


Todd C said...


Thanks for your comment. I have not used the 5/15 report with volunteers. However, this is a very interesting idea and I'll have to give it some thought.

You've given me an idea for a blog post. . . .