Sunday, September 14, 2008

And the survey says. . . .

2007 has been and looks like it will continue to be a very had year financially. According to a survey by Gizzard Commutations Group, (No I didn't make that name up.) 29% of the 500 people surveyed expect to cut back on their charitable giving this fall.

As the Church business guy, this survey doesn't bother me. Here's why. I firmly believe that God is in control. I have no doubt that he will provide the necessary resources, financial and otherwise needed here at NewPointe.

I also believe NewPointe does a great job in teaching people how to manage their finances in a God honoring way. We do this by teaching Financial Peace University.

The question if find myself asking often is when things get tight financially, why is giving to the church one of the first things to go? Wouldn't you want to be working with God and have him involved in your finances vrs cutting him out of the picture by stopping your giving?

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