Monday, March 31, 2008

Spring Cleaning to Debt Freedom!

Well I think I can say that Spring is finally arriving here in Ohio. Temps in the 50's and low 60's all this week. This weekend, while I was hosing and blowing out all the salt from my garage I noticed all the "Stuff" (thinks I don't use or want anymore) that just seems to accumulate over the winter.

Spring cleaning is a great time to identify the stuff you no longer use or could do without. Resolve to get that stuff out of your house via Ebay or an upcoming garage sale. You'd be surprised at how much other people are willing to pay for you so called junk.

Selling stuff you have around your house is one of the best ways to eliminate your consumer debt and begin to build wealth. Just this week, I had a conversation with my neighbor and he sold his "off-road" motorcycle that he hasn't ridden in two years. (Way to go Ben build some wealth.)

I'm guessing if you'd spend 10 minutes in your basement or garage, you could find 10 things worth selling. Give it a try. Let me know what you come up with.

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