Thursday, March 27, 2008

Money Advise

Money. It's not a dirty word. Money by itself is not good or bad. It's what you do with what you have that makes the difference. Ah but I'm getting ahead of myself.

Have you given thought as to why you do what you do with money? Where or who has taught you how to handle it? We all know that you have to spend less than you make or you'll never get ahead. Yet we as American's have a negative savings rate.

Where's a good place to start to get your financial life going in the right direction? I'd like to suggest a book. Hey, books are low to no investment dollars and a great return on your time.

By far one of the best books you could ever read is Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover. If you're looking for a financial game plan, this book is for you. If your wondering, "am I doing this financial thing the best way I can, then read the book. Go get it at the library and read it for FREE.

If you're like most, handling money in your household has been hit and miss at best. You'll never get control of your finances this way. Make the decision today to win financially.

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