Sunday, March 02, 2008

Renewal & Reflections

Larry, a good friend of mine, and I meet on Wednesday morning for coffee and growth. Currently Larry and I are reading "The Life you've always wanted" by John Ortberg.

Chapter 5 deals with a hurried life. I suffer from that! I can't wait to get with Larry to talk about this chapter. Anyway, I'm trying to change in this area and will need help doing so. One thing I intentionally did today was to reflect on my day as it went on. Doing so brought about renewal and relaxations.

Here's a list of what caught my attention today:

  1. The warmth of the sun coming through the drives side window.
  2. The Robins in my front yard.
  3. Chaz, my son trying for the first time to drive my 5 speed VW Beetle.
  4. My 18 mile bike ride. Oh how it refreshed me today!
  5. NPCC Check-in Team Members for jumping in today.
  6. My small group. We are growing closer together.
  7. The melting snow. I hope this is the last of it.
  8. A fellow NewPointer asking me for some financial advice. Word to the wise, stay away from ALOC loans (Advanced Lines of Credit)
  9. My Wife, she is great.
  10. My dogs. (I'll aways have at least one.)

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