Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I would walk 500 mile and I would walk 500 more. .

At lunch time today in the staff break room was full of staff members. As is often the case, there was leftover food and our staff hates to see food go to waste. I addition to this, a local baker brought in sweets for the staff to sample.

As we were all munching away, the conversation turned to why we couldn't loose weight and what the exercise of choice was for each staff member. There was the typical answers. (YMCA, Basketball, Treadmill in the basement)

The coolest comment came from one of our facilities team members. He is averaging over 20 miles walked each week. Just from doing his job. He wares a pedometer at work to track his steps. Taking into account two weeks vacation, He'll walk 1,000 miles in 12 months. Now that's exercise.

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