Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Another reason to love Direct Deposit

As I type this, I'm sitting at my home computer instead of being at work because I'm iced and snowed in from this winter storm. The ice on top of the snow has has allowed our smaller dog to to walk on top of the snow. He's not quite sure about that.

This weather got me thinking about how great it is to have our staff using direct deposit for our paychecks. At midnight tonight, payroll will magically hit 30 employees bank account. (We still have 1 direct deposit hold out.) The winter storm has allowed me the time to schedule all of my bill payments (free from my bank) to be sent out on Friday. No stamps no hassle.

Jason asked me in through a previous comment if Direct Deposit was cost effective for the church. Jason, I've got to admit, I've never looked at it from a cost standpoint. In our case, we use Quickbooks and they charge the church for direct deposit. It's free to our employees. You can check with your church's bank as most banks now offer this service for free.

I look at the cost of direct deposit as an employee cost. Its now expected by employees more than being seen as a benefit. I love it and consider it a condition of employment myself. With the combination of direct deposit and online bill payment, I haven't set foot in my bank in years.

So, the snow and ice can keep coming. My check is in the bank. We'll as of midnight. . .

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