Tuesday, October 07, 2008

What financial crisis?

Ok, now that the title of this post got your attention, here's my thoughts / perspective on the current financial crisis. I, like everyone else who participates in some sort of retirement plan have seen my balance take a nose dive. I'm not happy about this but I'm also not fearful. Why no fear? I'm putting my trust in God not myself.

So, with that said, here are my thoughts.

  1. God owns it all anyway.
  2. Bear markets have come and gone before. This will pass.
  3. With the market down this much, It's really the best time to buy as everything is on sale. Stick with mutual funds and stay away from individual stocks.
  4. Keep investing into your retirement plan. Your buying more shares with the same dollars.
  5. Stop looking at your investment value on a daily basis. This will drive you nuts.
  6. Turn off the news. Their job is to evoke emotion and they are doing a good job of this right now.
  7. I'm an even bigger fan now of life cycle funds. Most retirement plans now offer them. Consider putting some of your allocation into one of these types of funds.
  8. Saving faithfully over time will always build wealth. It just takes a little while.
  9. Start or continue to give. God will bless you for it. Stay faithful to him. It's easy to give when times are good. Giving in rough financial times points your heart toward Him.
  10. Don't borrow any new money for anything.
So, in summary, keep everything in perspective, God owns it all. Make sure you have a plan and work that plan. 5-10 years from now, we won't be talking about this financial crisis.

1 comment:

Tina said...

Hi Todd, It was good to see you for 2 seconds last week. I love this post and the perspective it comes from. Thanks. I'm sending it to some friends who need the encouragement.