Friday, November 30, 2007

What's your financial Plan?

With only one month left in 2007, I've started gathering financial information from the year to do some planning for next year.

The week between Christmas and New Years, I sit down with my wife and we set some financial goals for the coming year. I believe very strongly that you have to have a financial plan and financial goals.

We look at the following areas in our financial goals:
  1. In addition to tithing to NewPointe, how much are we going to give and to who are we going to give. God gave everything for and two us. He owns it all. By giving I'm showing God is first in our lives.
  2. What are we saving for and how much.
    *Retirement plans at work
    *Roth IRA
    *Vacation fund
    *Christmas 2008
    *New to us (Used) car fund
  3. Do we have any major appliance or home improvement projects in 2008?
  4. Is it time to get our 15 year old his own checking account? (More on this topic later.)
  5. We recently reviewed and I changed my life insurance so this is already checked off the list.
What other things should we include in our financial goal setting? Have any suggestions? Please share them with me.


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