Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Google Docs. . . . I like it!

I've had some time on my hands last week and the rest of this week as I'm on vacation. I really enjoy time off between Christmas and New Years. I get to spend lots of time with my kids as they are on break from school.

When Chaz & Katie (my kids) are off doing their own thing, I get to putter around the house. Last week, I stared playing around with Google Docs and I've come to really love it. For those who don't know what this is, Google Docs allows you to create Spreadsheets, Documents, Presentations, and Fill in Forms, store them online, share them if you wish and all for Free. You can even upload your existing Microsoft Office files to Google Docs.

I switched over my Zero Based Budget from Excel to Google Docs Spreadsheet and I love it. I can access my budget from any computer with internet access. This comes in very handy. I no longer have to load my file onto a flash drive or email it back and forth. The other spreadsheet application that I use it a check register template.

Give Google Docs a try. It's free. If you are already using it, what applications are you using it for?


Jason said...

I also like google Docs. I used it to take notes at the latest conference I was at so I could always access my notes. I also found my most often emailed documents to myself and tossed them up there.

Chuck Hubbert said...

The sharing function can be pretty cool, too. My daughter and I collaborated on a menu and shopping list document for Christmas planning.