Friday, November 07, 2008

Mr. Excel. . . . What a resource

I just got off the phone with my buddy and "sounding board" Dave Moore. Among other things, we were talking budgets. (It's that time of year you know.) This lend into a conversation regarding the use of Microsoft Excel and multiple tabbed spreadsheets as part of the budget process. (I love this stuff.)

For me, Excel is right up there with sliced bread. It's a great thing that make my life better. One of the Excel resources I use and just turned Dave onto is Mr. Excel. Mr. Excel, Bill Jelen, is unbelievable in his knowledge of Excel. The tips and tricks I've learned from him has saved me hours and hours of time and that translates into big $$.

A great way to check out Mr. Excel is through Itunes. Bill has a FREE daily video podcast of 2 - 3 minutes in length. If you'd consider yourself an Excel intermediate or advanced user, you've got to check out the podcast. You'll be amazed at the new stuff you learn.

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