Saturday, August 16, 2008

Plan your final exit online

You and I are most likely not going to be able to plan or anticipate the when and where of our exit from this world but a new online tool can allow you to detail out your final wishes. is a web site where you plan and share funeral details including things like music choices and where and how burial will take place. Up to 6 loved ones can have online access to your wished and instruction on where to find you r will and account information. This site was started by two women after the death of their husbands.

While I'm one this subject, did you know you can also order your final resting bed, ok your casket online? When I did a Google search on "buy casket online" I got back 180,000 sites. Most online sources have Next Day shipping. I've told my wife many times I want my casket purchased online. This is will be my last money saving adventure and bargin purchase.

1 comment: said...

Tod, this is creepy! Why not just get cremated. Isn't that even cheaper? Have your ashes scattered over your favorite bike riding circuit!