Thursday, August 07, 2008

Day one in the books (79 miles)

Our first day on the PAN Ohio hope ride was great. I'm meeting lots of new people and blogging from the college of Wooster. I haven't been on a college campus in many years. Boy how things have changed.

I've had the opporuntiy to talk with one of my team members about NewPointe. Funny thing is it's not who I've been investing in. Anyway I'm very pumped that she will be checking out NewPointe next Sunday.

Here are some pictures from today.

Our Team "Heals on Wheels" before the start today.

Rock & Roll HofF (Cool)

Browns Stadium. (Go Browns!)

3 comments: said...

You guys are looking good in those jerseys. Have fun and post another picture at the end of the ride.

Tina said...

Looks like a blast!
enjoy and have fun

Mark said...

Go, Todd, Go!

I'm so proud of you! I like how you're able to take pictures while you're riding your bike.