Friday, November 30, 2007

Sneak Peak

This Sunday is the first service of our new series titled, "All I want for Christmas." It's going to be very cool. A lot of volunteers have been working really hard to get our building looking the part for Christmas. Word has it that some were here until 2 a.m. last night. Unbelievable.

I think everyone will be amazed at how good the stage looks. Your going to get your sneak peak here from me. I snuck into the auditorium and snapped this picture while the team was working on the lights. You'll want to come Sunday to get the "true" feeling of the room. I got kicked out before I could get a better picture.

1 comment:

Tina said...

Oh, the stage looks so great!
Seeing it made me miss that part of ministry so much. Those visual arts volunteers do make such a differance and add so much to the atmosphere and excitment and they honor God with their creativity. I hope those, behind the scenes, VA folks know that they aren't just decorating a stage, they are making a differance for the kingdom and edifying the body with their gifts.
I just can't say enough!
I'll be there next weekend so I get to see it in person.
thanks for the sneak peek.