Monday, November 12, 2007

How much longer will we need "Cash"?

Looks cool, but is it going to replace your visa card?

Visa recently began promoting the Visa Micro Tag, a new key fob payment device embedded with Visa payWave, the company’s contactless technology feature. The Visa Micro Tag is designed to easily attach to a key ring, and allows cardholders to pay by simply waving their Visa Micro Tag in front of a contactless payment terminal.

Those with Visa payWave cards have the option of not having to sign for payments under $25. Just "wave and go".

There are two issues that may stop this form of payment before it even gets off the ground.

1. The RFID platform has been hacked a number of times already, proving that your key chain might be easier to access (wirelessly) than your back pocket.

2. The use of a PIN number is also not needed for smaller purchases, meaning that your keys may now become an easy target for thieves to score some quick cash.

Is technology going to far with something like this? What do you think?

1 comment:

Jason said...

Technology isn't going too far with this - I just won't be using it anytime soon. Talk about an easy way to lose your money. Some one with a scanner just walking down the street could steal your acct info.

Until it gets much more secure, my debit cards will do fine.