Friday, October 05, 2007 and going green.

I love's web site. It's full of great financial information. The site focuses mostly on news, tips and advice to compare mortgage rates, home equity loans, CDs, car loans, credit cards and money market accounts.

Recently, They ran an article on living green. In fact, they list 153 ways to go green. You can link to the article here. I've been investigating how to go green around our house of late. Much to the chagrin of my wife, I'm replacing all of
incandescent bulbs with Compact fluorescent bulbs.

Compact fluorescent bulbs use 75 percent less energy than incandescent bulbs and last up to 10 times longer. They're more expensive than traditional light bulbs, but it only takes about 3 months to make up for the higher sticker price in energy savings.

You will save $85 over the life of the bulb for each 60-watt light bulb you replace with a 15-watt CFL. You'll also save 543 kWh of electricity and reduce your CO2 emissions by 833 pounds.

This is a simple and cool way to go green and save some green $$.

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