Saturday, March 07, 2009

Car fund down to $0

I have one savings account with multiple categories. I use Why, because they consistently have one of the highest interest rates out there. Emigrant is currently paying a whopping 2%. (Just kidding on the whopping part.)

With my one savings account, I have a spreadsheet where I "breakdown" the total amount into different categories.
  1. Emergency Fund
  2. Christmas (it's in December each year)
  3. Vacation
  4. Car replacement & repair
  5. Vet bills (new category)
  6. Appliance / Carpet fund
  7. Planned giving
This week category #4 (Car) went to zero. 4 new tires on the van $470 and getting the check engine light to go off in my son's car $250.

Unfortunately, I always get bummed when I take funds out of savings. I guess it's because it takes so long to get the balances to grow. Then I soon realize, it's not my money anyway. It's the money God has entrusted to me to provide for my family and I soon become humble and very thankful that the money is there to just fix the car. No credit card bill, no big drama, just pay the bill and start building up the category again.

When it comes to category #4, I keep reminding myself, I've got no car payment and that in itself is a wonderful blessing.

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