Thursday, June 07, 2007

Online Giving

We have successfully rolled out another component of Fellowship One here at NewPointe. We have added online giving to our web site. We have put together a great Frequently Asked Questions pdf file related to our online giving program. You can check it out by clicking here.

The main question seems to be, Why should I give online? It is a personal preference, but here are a few of the benefits:

1. It's a step of faith . . . deciding in advance to give faithfully.
2. It helps simplify life.
3. It allows you to give consistently . . . even when you're not at church.
4. It allows you to focus on the service when you're at church.

I'd like you're thoughts. Feel free to leave a comment or email me.

1 comment:

Jason said...


You might be interested to know that I have bought a used bike, and plan on using it to get to work. I haven't converted to all the biker clothes though. I did this for a couple of reasons:
1. Exercise
2. Save gas money to get out of debt faster.
thanks for all you do!