Tuesday, February 13, 2007

85 People signed up for FPU

85 People have committed to taking Financial Peace University at NewPointe. There are no words to describe what I'm feeling.

If you've read my blog before I'm sure you've seen some FPU references and posts before. According to Dave Ramsey and his team, the average person or couple pays off $5,300 in debt and puts $1,200 in savings during the 13 weeks of this class. That's one very large return on a $99 investment.

The 85 people taking the class make up 50 families. 50 x $6,500 in debt reduction and savings is $$325,000. Talk about life change. . . I can't wait. I know from prior FPU graduates, the class not only changes their lives but graduates help their family and friends make changes.

Say a prayer for our five table leaders. This is by far the largest group we've taken through at one time.

1 comment:

Jason said...


My girlfriend is signed up for the course, and she loved the class last night. Great job! Thank you for offering it. it completely blew her expectations out of the water. Thanks!