Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Little Bit of this and Little Bit of that

What a great Ohio night. We don't get many like this. (mid 70's cool breeze no humidity or bugs) Thanks to my good friend Mike, I'm sitting out on my back porch with my laptop hooked to the web through my new wireless home network. Yes, it is password protected. I've scheduled a few days vacation this week and next and I've making the most of them. Here's a few of the things I've gotten to do.

  1. Mulch the flower beds
  2. Take the kids swimming
  3. Go pick strawberry's (We had a blast!) I've eaten way to many today.
  4. Walked the dog (my best friend) with my wife (my other best friend)
  5. Some great alone time on my bike 50+ miles so far.
  6. Coffee in the morning on the back porch watching the sun come up and the birds at the feeder.
  7. Reading the book of Romans from the "Message". You've got to get a copy for yourself!
  8. I'm also reading a biography on Alexander Hamilton (He's on the $10 bill) Did you know he invented our banking system? I'm into finance in case you didn't know. That's why I'm reading his biography. I wanted to find out how it all started.
  9. Eating lot's of lettuce out of my garden. I've got a few flowers on my tomato plants. I've got one tomato plant that's going to produce yellow tomatoes. Can't wait to taste that.
  10. Oh yea, I'm turning 40 Sunday. Maybe that's why I'm reflecting tonight.

If you read all ten, drop me a reply and say happy birthday.

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