Thursday, August 14, 2008

Financial Stress

Recently I've been consulted by a number of people who are experiencing financial stress in their lives. The reasons are all different but the anxiety and pressures are similar. What's a good plan to deal with financial stress?

Here's my advise.

  1. Acknowledge that you feel overwhelmend by your situaition
  2. Pray for God's help and comfort as you go thought this time
  3. Exercise hard. Yep, exercise helps you clear your head.
  4. Talk with someone you trust. They are not emotionally attached to the situation like you are.
  5. Cut out all extras. Yes, cable TV is an extra.
  6. Are there things you can sell on Ebay or Amazon?
  7. Talk to those you owe and explain your situation.
  8. Never sign or agree to something you don't understand
  9. Never allow automatic drafting out of your checking account
  10. Talk with your church. Most churches have a "helps / benevolence" fund.

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