Thursday, June 22, 2006

Video is on line!

I'm very excited for our church and for me. I'm in a video produced by our church. It's the first video we have put on line and you can check it out by clicking "here". Then click on June 2006. The best thing about the video is you'll get a current update and look at were we are in the building process. We've come a long way and are about 5 months away from move in date. Here's list of some of the new building issues on my plate. Any helpers?
  1. Cafe's (Who are we going to use for our coffee supplier?)
  2. Cafe & Book store hours of service
  3. Cafe & Book store software
  4. Soda (Coke or Pepsi?)
  5. Building Schedule of the new church
  6. Physical move
  7. Cleaning and mantanence Schedule
  8. Outside Vendor selection
  9. New Equipment needs
  10. Stewardship and operating costs

1 comment:

Todd C said...


We wouldn't be where we are at with Fellowship One without your training and coaching. We and I very much appreciate your leadership!

Thanks for the viewing the video. It won't be long until we are in the new building. Planning on visiting?