Friday, June 16, 2006

Children's Check-in (Week 1) lessons learned

This past Sunday was our launch of Fellowship One's Children's Check-in. Overall, the day was a success. We did learn a few lessons and we are going to make changes for this weekend. We have rolled out the check-in system in our grade level K-4th ministry area only.

lesson #1 There was a rush of parents all at one time. Our Check-in Volunteers were true champs in handling all the people. In order to help with this issue, we've added a third check-in station.
lesson #2 We need to do a faster job in getting kids back to parents at the end of services. We have a team working on this one. The best solution may not come until we are in the new building.
lesson #3 It was way to noisy in KidsStuf to do check-in in that room. We've moved that check-in station out into the hall.
lesson #4 No matter how prepared you think you are, there is nothing like the real thing. Each week we will get better at serving families through Fellowship One.

Conclusion after week 1 of children's check-in. . . . . Very impressive!


Andy said...


Congrats to you and your team for pulling off this added benefit for the people of your church!

Todd C said...


Thanks for the comment. You have been very helpful to me in many ways. I appreciate you very much!