Sunday, January 06, 2008

1/6/08 and 1,984 left to go. . . .

We'll it's only the 6th day of the new year and I got to put 16 miles on my bike today. I took advantage of the 52 degree weather after church and hopped on my road bike.

It's always bitter sweet for me when I reset my bike odometer. The bitter, theres' no more miles added to the total and I say good by to another year. This past year I road just over 2,200. The sweet, the odometer reads 0000 and its a fresh start.

The mileage goal for 2008 is 2,000. Will I reach it? I sure hope so but, the most important thing about goals is not really reaching them it's who you are becoming as a person as you reach for them.

1 comment:

Tina said...

That's a good message. Thanks