Saturday, December 15, 2007

One Pig. . . .

Christmas time is in the air at our house. We have had a fire burning all day long and Cindy is busy baking Christmas cookies. We have the Musacchia (my mom's side of the family) family Christmas party tomorrow in my home town. I've played Burl Ives's "Have a Holly Jolly Christmas" CD three times today.

With the snow and now rain falling outside, I took the opportunity for some good old "Griswald" (Christmas Vacation) family fun. My family sat down in the kitchen for a few games of UNO (One) and Pig (a dice like game where you role two pigs to score points) "Get the post title now? "One Pig"? I thought it was funny.

It was great just sitting around with the entire family spending some on TV time together. We laughed, poked fun of each other and smiled a lot. Most of all we enjoyed each other. Sure sounds like the Christmas spirit to me.

Merry Christmas.


Tina said...

Good times...good times...
Have a Merry Christmas and tell the fam hi from the Lawvers

Danny Bunnelle said...

PIG OUT! What a great game! The double leaning jowler... Sider... snouter... Oh yeah... that brings back memories. :) LOL!