Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Emergency Fund

Do you have an Emergency Fund? Most financial people out there suggest 6 months of living expense in an emergency fund. For me, six months is a great goal and with a almost 13 year old and a 10 year old, we can never seam to get to six months. Don't get me wrong, we have an emergency fund but we're not at a 6 month reserve. I am please that our emergency fund is invested in Emigrant Direct's dream account. As of a few day ago, they are paying 4.5%. This is far and above anything I can get at a local bank. You see, I've never set foot in their bank. It's all done on line by linking my checking account to my Emigrant account. So were is your emergency fund in amount and location? If you are looking for home for it, check out www.emigrantdirect.com Let me know if you can find a higher rate than 4.5% with no restrictions on when you can access your money.

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