Friday, July 07, 2006

Helping Hands

Today it was my turn to help. I had a two hour lunch with a local senior pastor today. It was time well invested. You see, as of late I've spent lots of time on the phone and visiting other church leaders trying to learn and grow from their experiences. Today it was my turn to invest in another. Over lunch, he asked some great questions and I hope I gave good answers. The church he leads is were we were a few years back and I understand some of the challenges he faces. The greatest thing about my time with this local church leader is that we were working together! Trying to help each other. That gets me jacked. I know SFMC is sometimes referred to as the "big church" and that can stir up ill feelings. It really shouldn't. We are all on the same team and the staff of SFMC is willing to share all we know because so many other have shared with us.

How about you? Do you share what you know with others? Personally? Professionally? If so, how do you share? If not, why not?

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